Online Membership Form


    Membership renewals are due in February of each year. For new members joining after February, dues will be prorated.

    Member Info:



    Certification NAUIPADI

    Other Certifications

    Level (required)


    Dive Interests (mark all that apply)
    FunWatchingGame HuntingFishShellfishBugs (big hairy ones)WreckCavePhotoNightDeepBoatBeach

    Club Activities (mark all that apply)
    Beach DiveBoat DivesMulti day tripsWarm water/Exotic Locations

    Favorite Locations

    Non-diving Activities
    Beach PartiesField TripsSnow/Ski Trips
    Field Trips/Other (specify)

    Membership (select one):

    New Membership      Renew      Officers


    Payment Method (required)
    Check# (if paying by check):

    All data on this page will be considered personal and for the eyes of certain board members only. We are trying to get to know what kind of diver you are so we can build a club around people in it. Guest speakers and topics are picked from interests specified by you. We feel this is important. This next sentence says nothing at all...! I was just curious if any body actually read this stuff.

    Note: If you get a "Please check if JavaScript and Cookies are enabled in your browser" message, try clicking SEND again.